What Can I Do If My Car Is Stolen?
Posted: March 15, 2019
Having your car stolen is a traumatic experience. You step out the door, and your car is simply gone – not there where you left it. Unfortunately, it happens every day to vehicle owners all over the U.S. The following is a checklist to prepare you in case that unhappy event ever happens to you. Check to Make Sure Your Car Has Actually Been Stolen...
Safe Driving In Major Cities
Posted: February 11, 2019
While driving in a major city, you are likely to encounter traffic jams, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and large numbers of pedestrians and bicyclists. The following are safe driving tips to help smooth the way and reduce your risk of an accident. Avoid Driving During Rush Hour Peak rush hour traffic typically occurs from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Stay...
In-Home Business? Here are some exposure concerns...
Posted: June 21, 2018
IN-HOME BUSINESS: The U.S. has experienced rapid growth in home-based businesses in the last decade; there are over 11 million home-based business in the country. The question is, do they have proper insurance? Most home-based business owners assume that their “homeowner policy” provides coverage for their business. That policy specifically excludes business liability exposures and offers only limited coverage for business personal property (BPP). If...
Risks of Buying Cheap Insurance...
Posted: May 4, 2018
Everyone wants value for their money. Everyone wants the best price. At what point does inexpensive become “cheap”? Why does The Nicolaysen Agency seem to come up with prices that might not be the cheapest? When you’re dealing with a commodity, where one item is the same as another, cheapest price works. However, most of the things we buy are associated, in some way, with...
Why an Umbrella Policy?
Posted: April 18, 2018
What is an Umbrella Policy? It’s a separate product protecting you from liability over (and above) that provided by your other personal insurance policies. Holding this extra layer of protection requires that your underlying (base) policies (auto and home insurance) carry (at least) minimum liability limits. Umbrella policy protection is not limited to auto and home, and that is really the core of our concern:...